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BESS + Hydro

Pumped Hydro Storage

Pumped hydro storage; PHS, is currently the most cost effective and dominant energy storage technology on the grid. While lithium ion batteries enjoy all the hype and attention. PHS has maintained its dominance in the energy storage market accounting for over 93% of all utility scale energy storage in the United States. Our system works cooperatively with PHS sites to increase their capacity and energy density. The Compressed Air Ballast Energy Storage System is used to pressurize the upper reservoir or portions of the upper reservoir increasing the power output of the Facility. The upper reservoir can be pressurized up to and above 70 bar. This is the equivalent of increasing the height of the water column to 700 meters. 

Upgrade your PHS site today!

Hydroelectric Generation

Adding this system to hydroelectric power plants can increase the sites functionality providing both generation and storage. Also because the tanks may be filled using the water in the upper reservoir. The energy efficiency of the hydroelectric storage component of the system will be greater than PHS sites, as we no longer have to pump the water back up to the reservoir to charge. As with the pumped hydro storage system hybrid the Compressed Air Ballast Energy Storage System can pressurize the tank creating a greater force when performing hydroelectric generation.

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Non-Powered Damns, Locks and Canals

Adding BESS to non-powered damns will further decentralize the grid, and provide clean power closer to communities who consume them. Also add to a communities local tax base, providing extra funding for many public works projects, and education. 

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Low elevation and closed loop systems

As hydroelectric generation is a mature technology. Some of the best site have already been developed. Many of the new sites being constructed are focused on closed loop or low elevation hydroelectric power. By implementing BESS in these applications we can improve their efficiency and economic outlook. By pressurizing the tank with BESS, the upper reservoir may perform as if it has a head of 700 meters or more. Closed loop systems are also more open to direct air capture and exhaust gas treatment attachments.

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